Statement & Biography




I believe that photographs are the result of communication.
In travel, the first step is an encounter, and from there communication is born.
Communication is the act of getting through to the other person, and words are not the only means of communication. If you are communicating with someone who does not share a common language, it may be through body language or even just a smile. If there is a common language, even if it is only one language, they may talk to each other in depth. Sharing a meal and drinking together is also communication. Also, if there is a common language, people may talk deeply even if they speak only in broken words. In other words, I believe that the length of time has nothing to do with communication. Whatever the case may be, "communicating" itself is communication.

However, we don't communicate for the sake of taking pictures. Ideally, photographs should be created as a result of communication. Therefore, even if there is communication, it often happens that no photographs are produced. What's more, it doesn't matter whether you can take pictures or not. This is because communication itself is the goal. And if we were able to take good photos as a result, that would be proof of good communication.
As I met and communicated with people more and more, I began to notice the kindness of people. Especially in the rural areas of the countryside, there were many warm interactions. I came to love the countryside more than the city.
I now call myself a "Henkyo photographer. The term "Henkyo" here does not mean the vicinity of national borders. It simply means the countryside as opposed to the city.
In the dictionary sense, a frontier is a region far from the center. In other words, it is only relative to the center. What I strongly felt when I visited these rural areas that are considered remote was that for the people living there, they are the center of the country and the most wonderful place anywhere.
I would like to photograph the life and culture of the people who live there.



愛知県名古屋市出身。1971年生まれ。経営学修士。 中国語堪能。 中国在住17年の経験有り。 日本の上場企業の海外駐在員を、現地法人社長として長く務めた後、フリーランスの写真家に。 特に伝統的な暮らしを営む人々を文化人類学的な側面から捉えることを得意とし、「辺境写真家」という呼称で活動。また、大学やイベントなどにおける講義、講演並びにテレビ出演なども行っている。

Tetsuo Kurita from Nagoya, Aichi Japan, born in 1971, started his life in typical fashion. Obtaining MBA and on to a 17 year career as a chief executive for a Japanese company in China. However, Tetsuo Kurita was driven by his passions of photography and cultural anthropology.  
Kurita left his business career and became a professional photographer capturing beautiful and poignant images of minority tribes and their traditions which are quickly disappearing in today’s modern world.  Through his business experience in China, he taught himself Mandarin at native level which helps him on his projects in China and other countries and areas where Chinese speakers live in. Kurita also works tirelessly on projects of fine art photography.
In addition to his photography projects, Kurita gives lectures on his experiences at universities, cultural events, broadcasting and other media.

お仕事として出来ること/What I can do for you and my client

・撮影(国内・海外)  / Photo shoot(domestic/overseas)
・取材(国内・海外)  / Cover of a story
・執筆         / Writing
・写真の提供      / Provide pictures
・講義・講演      / Lecture
・写真教室(個人・団体)/ Photography class(private/group)
・その他        / Others


主な活動履歴 / Biography

写真集 / Books
2017年 『虫草 ―チベット・極限の標高5000m地帯で冬虫夏草を採る人々―』
2017 "Mushi-Kusa(Caterpillar fungus)"

写真展(個展)/ Photo Exhibitions(Solo)
2017年 『虫草 ―チベット・極限の標高5000m地帯で冬虫夏草を採る人々―』(キヤノンギャラリー)
2020年 『チベット、十字架に祈る』(キヤノンギャラリー)
2017 "Mushi-Kusa(Caterpillar fungus)" at Canon gallery
2020 "Tibetan Catholics" at Canon gallery

2018年 JPS(日本写真家協会)展 入選
2019年 パリ写真賞(PX3)入選
2019年 国際写真賞(IPA)入選
2019年 ブダペスト国際写真賞(BIFA)入選
2019年 中国泉州華光撮影双年展 優秀写真家
2019年 東京国際写真賞(TIFA)銀賞+銅賞
2020年 モスクワ国際写真賞(MIFA)銅賞+入選x3
2020年 ブダペスト国際写真賞(BIFA)銀賞x2+銅賞
2018 The Japan Professional Photographers Society Award, Honorable Mention
2019 Le Prix de la Photographie de Paris, Honorable Mention
2019 International Photography Awards", Honorable Mention
2019 Budapest International Foto Awards, Honorable Mention
2019 China Quanzhou Huaguang Photography Biennale, Award for Outstanding Photographer
2019 Tokyo International Foto Awards, Silver & Bronze
2020 Moscow International Foto Awards, Bronze & Honorable Mention x3
2020 Budapest International Foto Awards, Silver x2 & Bronze

講義・講演 / Lectures
2013年 同志社大学『日中組織運営論』ゲストスピーカー
2014年 同志社大学『日中組織運営論』ゲストスピーカー
2014年 同志社大学『キャリア・セミナー』ゲストスピーカー
2014年 神田外語大学『民族と文化』ゲストスピーカー
2016年 神田外語大学『民族と文化』ゲストスピーカー
2016年 ナマステ・インディア2016『インドを撮る』(写真家・山崎真氏と共に)
2017年 名古屋商科大学『キャリア形成総合講座』ゲストスピーカー

マスメディア/Mass media
中日新聞、読売新聞 ※順不同
"Soroeru", ABC TV(Asahi Television Broadcasting Corporation)
"Ie no Hikari", JA(Japan Agricultural Cooperatives)
"Chijyo(Good Earth)", JA(Japan Agricultural Cooperatives)
“Chagurin", JA(Japan Agricultural Cooperatives)
”Friday”, Kodansha
"Chugoku Kiko CKRM", Asia-Pacific Tourism / "CAPA", Gakken Plus
”Yama to keikoku”, Yama-kei
Chunichi Shimbun(Daily newspaper) / Yomiuri Shimbun(Daily newspaper)

辺境写真家 栗田哲男 Tetsuo Kurita Photography